Maximise use of space with a Multi purpose room

The  demand for Murphy or wall beds has increased significantly over the past number of years. The explosion of Studio, Micro and Nano apartments is only part of the reason where wall beds are in daily use. 


Space constraints, most notably from the impact of Covid has resulted in the forfeiture of 2nd and guest  bedrooms to make way for home offices.


In many other cases our wall bed is a perfect solution for existing spaces like family rooms, studies, home gyms etc. or any room needing multi-functionality. Now you have so many options available to use and enjoy your reclaimed space. 


A Murphy wall bed has a floor footprint of just 50cm when folded. 


Imagine the uses that could apply to the precious space your Murphy bed frees-up.


With a Murphy wall bed you never need to feel anxious about the occassional overnight visitor, the planned family holiday stay over or any occasion needing a guest bed. With our fold up fold away beds you don't have to sacrifice an entire room for the luxury of a quest bedroom.


As one customer said,  "It feels like I just added another room overnight"


Our Murphy wall beds are finely crafted and a casual observer will never detect your stunning wall unit hides a bed!




"Your home is living space not storage space"     


Francine Jay